
Showing posts from June, 2017
Monday the 26th, was a lovely night for a paddle, and our co-captain Sue R.  kept us moving.  We tried several race starts.   Thursday, we paddled 170 strokes several times.  We also did what would be a race.  Start and paddle for 250 m.  It was the first time time we had a simulated race this season.
Thursday the 15th, even though it was raining, we had 12 paddlers out.  This past Monday, the 19th, was cancelled due to very high winds.  It was not safe.  Then last night, we had 10 paddlers.  It was windy, but we kept to the lake basin, and did not go up the river.  Our boat is a wooden craft with a double hull, so she is heavier that most dragon boats.  She is very sturdy and we (of course) think that she is very beautiful.
Monday, the 12th, we had 19 paddlers.  Almost a full boat.  What a wonderful start to the season.  Ruth (our captain) will be away in Ireland for several weeks.  Sue R. will be calling the paddle tonight.
  Yesterday, June 8th, was a beautiful day.  The water is up in Lake Pisiquid and the town of Windsor has put in the floating docks.  We almost paddled but it was too short notice for most people.  Hopefully we will be on the water, Monday, June 12th.   Paddles Up!
On the 29th of May, 2017,  we had a pot luck, meet and greet.   Some came to meet and mingle, others just to drop in.  We still can not get on the water, as there is not enough water in Lake Pisiquid to launch our boat.
    Last year (July 2016) during the Clean Annapolis River Project, we (Breast Buddies), a blended team of Breast Quest Dragon Boat Team members and Busom Buddies members, won 1st consolation prize.  Here is a photo of that team.