Our first paddling date this season, was the 24th of June. The next time that we were on the water was the 11th of July. With bad weather, and the run off from fields, the lake water was not safe to be on. Then we paddled on the 15th, 18th, 22nd 25th of July. I paddled in NB with Saint John on the 29th of July. They now have two (2) boats on Treadwell lake near the airport. In August we paddled the 5th 12th, 15th, 19th, 22nd, 26th. We did not paddle the 8th or 29th. First it was wind too high, and then rain on the later date. On Sept 2nd (holiday) the team paddled but I did not as our neighbourhood had a street party. Other days were the 5th, 9th, 12th 16th 19th, 23rd .
It's been a while
We did not paddle the summer of 2020, in our beautiful pink boat, because of the covid restrictions. But some of our members found out that, Kings Co. Recreation Department, had free kayaks at Aylesford Lake. So we booked them twice a week for the months of July and August. It was great fun and kept us on the water at least if not in our own boat. We even got to the 2nd week of Sept. It was a free Kings Co. service.
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